A Gothic Romance, Dark Passion, Classic Tale: Wuthering Heights

Title: Wuthering Heights Author: Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights is a gothic romantic tale. The existence of Heathcliff and Catherine is grounded upon their impulse to love and be loved. The association of love with physical things in nature is quite prominent here. Catherine’s thoughts of Heathcliff are intermingled with fancies concerning their free childhood in…

Book Review | Black Box Thinking

Title: Black Box Thinking – Why most people never learn from their mistakes but some do Author: Matthew Syed For me, this book stands out among all the other books I have read on success. When we think about high performing individuals or businesses, we don’t often associate them with high failure rates. But in…

Book Review | Why We Sleep

Title: Why We Sleep – Unlocking the power of Sleep and Dreams Author: Dr. Matt Walker “Humans are not sleeping the way nature intended.” Are you an early bird or a night crawler? It doesn’t matter. Why We Sleep is a book highly recommended for everyone. Neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker has flooded this…

Book Review | War Doctor

Title: War Doctor – Surgery on the Front Line Author: David Nott Ravaged by terror the war stories of Afghanistan, Yemen, Africa, Syria have been brought to the other parts of the world mostly by soldiers, survivors, and reporters. Here, in this book, you hear it from the point of view of a doctor desperately trying…

Book Review | The Mastery Manual

“I challenge you to play your biggest game.” The Mastery Manual is the second Robin Sharma book that I have ever read, first being The Monk who sold his Ferrari. An inspiring read, every module has a lesson aimed at facilitating you master your personal and professional goals. Some of my key takeaways are: Live…

Reading Dickens

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it…