Silver Lining

It was shortly before midnight on a chilly January evening, and mist obscured parts of the tree-lined roads while driving when I met with ‘the’ accident that turned my life upside down. On one of its darkest stretches the road turned and what I remember thereafter is quite a blur. Apparently, I had met with…

Back-to-School in 22nd century

It was a cold winter morning. The sun had not yet risen. Twice the doorbell rang. Harry was annoyed. He did not want to come out of his warm cosy bed and face the chill of a December morning. But 5 o clock was the usual time when he had to collect his milk bottles…

Life has many gifts to unfold

A place with clear skies, trees all around and serenity oozing from everywhere is my hometown. I had a fun-filled childhood and my favourite memories include playing street games with my friends and cousins. Initially, I hated going to school but with every passing year school became more appealing except for the horrifying weekly tests…

Writing has its own charm

Letter 1: Ridhima to Ria Dearest Ria, “Many many happy returns of the day, May you get all the happiness I pray; Your day be musical as the chime, Have a blast now is the time.” So friend, my heart wishes you a celebration that is filled with all the things that give you great…